Sunday, April 26, 2009

Filled Pancakes

I had been enamored of the filled-pancakes pan (aka, an ebelskiver pan) in the William Sonomacatalog since last year, but could never justify buying such a thing that takes up space just for a once-and-awhile breakfast treat. However, with a giftcard in my hand and nothing else that I wanted or could afford at William Sonoma, I impulse bought it last week Monday.

I was impressed with my restraint in waiting till Sunday to try it out. I would have tried it on Saturday, but I was feeling digestive-system guilty yesterday morning, so opted for high-fiber cereal instead. Thus, after working hard this morning (including getting to the grocery store shortly after 6am) to get tonight's meal in the works, I decided it was time to try out the pan!

I used the recipe on the back of the packaging, with minor modifications:

Filled Pancakes Batter

1 c all purpose flour
1 T sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs, separated
1 c milk
2 T butter< melted

1/2 to 1 c assorted fillings (preserves, peanut butter, chocolate)

Mix dry ingredients. In a small bowl, whisk melted butter, milk, and egg yolks. Add to dry mix.

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites till stiff peaks form. Fold whites into rest of batter.

Spray pan or melt butter on medium high heat. Pan is read when there is bubbling of butter or spray. Add 1 T batter, 1 T filling, 1 T batter. Cook 2-3 minutes or until the pancake shifts. Using to wooden sticks or a spoon (try not to scrape the pan), flip the pancakes and cook another couple minutes. Remove using a spoon.

This is half of the recipe on the packaging. and made about 20 pancakes. I used strawberry preserves, peanut butter, and chocolate chips and liked all well enough, though the preserves were the best.

Grrr, I should have taken pictures, but I'll have to try to remember next time. All in all, quite a worthwhile purchase for $40 bucks and even better with a gift card.

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