Friday, March 13, 2009

Mango Chicken Stir Fry
(this is my husband's favorite recipe)

1 mango
1 red pepper
1 yellow or orange pepper
1 med onion
1.5 lb chicken breasts or thighs, skinless

2-3 cloves garlic, minced 2 T soy sauce
1.5 tsp sugar
1 T corn starch
1 T rice wine vinegar
1 T oil

3 T soy sauce
2 T rice wine vinegar
6 oz pineapple juice
.5 tsp crushed red pepper
1 T corn starch.

1. Whisk marinade together.

2. Chop chicken, peppers, and onion into bite-sized pieces. Marinate chicken while chopping veggies and starting the rice. Make about 1-2 cups uncooked rice.

3. Heat wok with about another tablespoon of oil. Saute onions, adding peppers once onions have begun to soften.

4. Remove veggies, keep warm. Mix sauce.

5. Saute chicken till fully cooked. Add mango for a minute or so until slight charring.

6. Return veggies to the wok, add sauce. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, adding additional corn starch, if needed.

7. Serve with rice.


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