The list, in approximate order of purchase, appear below. My fingers are crossed that I don't like any of the Hello Thursday cartridges for this month.
Nifty Fifties - I'm sad to say that I haven't cut anything with this cartridge, although I have
many plans.

Sesame Street Seasons - I have big plans to make kid-themed stuff using the Sesame characters, but for now I've gotten tons of use out of a couple of snowflakes on this cartridge.

Cake Basis - This came with my Cake Mini, but has some really cute snowflakes that I used on my thanks you cards.

Plantin Schoolbook - This one came with my new Cricut Expression and has a nice font and some basis shapes.

Potpourri Basket - Along with Plantin Schoolbook, this came with my Cricut Expression.

Seasonal Cake Art - This was a favorite with my holiday card-making this year.

Winter Frolic - I waffled all fall whether I wanted to get this cartridge, but finally could not pass it up when the price fell under $20. I think I may have only paid $14.95 or $16.95 at While some of the cuts have many layers, for the most part, I'm loving this cartridge and am looking forward to scrapping my holiday pictures with it. I've already started a mini album. Good word art too.

Happy Hauntings - Unopened, but I still haven't finished my Halloween exploding envelopes house, so I am sure this will come in handy.

Straight From the Nest - Unopened, but this should be great for spring.

Best of Pixar - This arrived last week and is still awaiting pickup at my aunties. Monsters' Inc is my favorite, however, so I can't wait to play with this cartridge.

Pack Your Bags - Along with Best of Pixar, this one is at my auntie's waiting for me to go over and pick it up. I love the summery images on this cartridge, so hopefully the cuts will be simple.

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